2023年 11月 19日
Appeal from Doro Nishinihon(National Railway Motive Power Union of West Japan) Executive Committee (2023 11/11)
People belonging to the workers class around the world! The Doro-Nishinihon will not forgive the attacks against gaza and the massacre of the Palestinian people, executed by the American imperialism and Israel.
Everyday, hospitals, ambulances, schools, mosques, and refugee camps are constantly being bombed by the Israel military, which also continues to invade gaza through land. Killing grown-ups, children, and women all alike.
The Israel military claims that "There are headquarters of Hamas in the hospitals" but the truth is they see everyone, medial workers, patients, children, even newborn babies are all alligned with Hamas. The Israel nation could not find peace until the Palestinian people are erased from the face of the earth.
And now they are stating that "A nuclear strike is an option".
Not taking action or acting as the "bystander" while this claim of complete injustice takes place is simply unacceptable against the workers class around the world.
That will mean to betray the cause to fight for the ultimate workers liberation and that can not stand.
We will declare that we will take any and all necessary action to stop this invasion and massacre.
So what in particular do we have to do in order to stop this invasion?
First of all, the neccesity to fully support the "10.7 uprising" as an result of the countless numerous rage of the Palestinian people. To express this attitude is required to every and all people of the workers class.
The Biden regime of the American Imperialsim, Netanyahu regime of Israel, and the Kishida regime of the Japanese Imperialism criticize the "10,7 uprising" as "an inhumane and despicable act of terrorism by Hamas". The Japanese Communist Party and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan follows this logic by starting their statement by criticizing the "10.7" uprising.
In that context, it is impossible to understand that why do they not recognise all the people who got killed, droven out of their land, and forced to become refugees. Why do they not accuse Israel and the American Imperialism after all this?
The American Imperialism and Israel do not have any legitimacy to condemn the "10.7 uprising" after everything they've done, such as invasion, forced extortion of land, and slaughter of innocents.
Some people do criticise upon the method of taking hostages. We wish to ask those people, why is the "Gaza Strip", in theory is supposed to be "self governed" called a "open-air prison" ?
The Gazans were the true hostages in the first place, taken by the Israel government. They were forced to live a life where power supply, water, getting a job, growing crops, getting fish, all of these being taken from them by the Israel government.
What choice does the people of Gaza and the west bank had besides the "10.7 uprising" to retake what whats rightfully theirs. A method to sustain life.
We will declare the "10.7 uprising" an act of complete justice in the name of the workers class in the world.
Secondary, we need to clarify who initiated this slaughter and who is benefitting from it. The mass media explains this as an "religional conflict" or an "conflict between the Hamas and the far right government of Israel.
But they are wrong.
The Israeli–Palestinian conflict started as an attempt of the American Imperialism to take over the oil supply in the middle east by taking out the French and British Imperialism.
So they chose the Zionists as their puppet to invade Palestine and forcefully removing the Palestinian people who lived there for over 2000 years. Creating an artificial "Military bastion nation" as Israel.
The 1948 Arab–Israeli War, the Suez Crisis, the Six-Day War, the Yom Kippur War, the Iran-Iraq war, the gulf war, the conflict in afghanistan and iraq, who caused all these wars in the mid-east region and who profited out of them?
All of them are intervened by the American Imperialism and it is the American arms industry and the American oil industry that benefitted the most.
Therefore, it could all summed up to "Stop the Imperialist war. Do not wage war for oil. Do not make profit by killing people!".
The crucial factor that allowed Israel to attack the Gaza strip is the US aircraft carrier fleet operating in the Mediterranean sea, the provision of large caliber weapons such as 155mm howitzers and "Bunker Buster" rounds that is extremely efficient against underground targets.
The American Imperialists also funds and provide military intel to the Israel military.
It is these factors that allowed Israel to launch a large scale offencive and we need to spread that truth while also exposing others.
Thirdly, the role the Japanese government that the Kishida regime is fullfilling.
Historically, Japanese regimes have not supported Israel so blatantly and willingly. It is completely in cooporation with the American Imperialism.
That was made clear by the Prime minister Kishida's visit to Ukraine in the Hiroshima summit that happened in may. Kishida invited president Zelensky of Ukraine to the summit as the summit presidency of the year and promised to aid Ukraine militarily. This act of participation in the war is in conjunction with being on the same track with the American Imperialism.
The Kishida regime, along with the American Imperialism is also simultaneously preparing to wage war against China.
Last year, the Kishida regime completely revisioned the three National security archives which includes the national security strategy, the national defence strategy, and the plan to organize the defense power. Soon after that, doubled the defence budget, and strengthened the Japanese-American-South Korean Military alliance.
That resulted in the military exercises mobilising American B52 strategic bombers, an field practice for a nuclear attack.
From november 10 to 20 in this year, the Japanese self-defence force executed a joint exercise with the United States Military, Using the Oita airport and the Okayama airport, both of which are civil airports along with the Naha airport, which is used by both civilian and military.
In those exercises, under the assumption of the military base being disfunctional used the civil airports for touch-and-go trainings repeatedly.
We can not allow the Kishida regime to become an participant in the war against Russia and China, to support the invasion/massacre againt Palestine, and let major Japanese capitalists research military technology in conjunction with Israel.
Fourthly, the laborers of the world have the possibility to unite as a class no matter the nationality. This fight for national solidarity is the real power for stopping the war.
The three laborer union alliance composed of the Doro-Chiba union(National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba), the Kansai-Namakon-Shibu union(Kansai district raw-concrete branch), and the Minato-Goudou(Metal Machinery Union Minato-Goudou) union have started out as an joint struggle to stop the iraqi war, kept strengthening the fight for national solidarity for 20 years until now.
We along with Doro-Chiba, will fully support the proposal of the Palestinine Laborer Union. "End all complicity and stop supplying arms to Israel".
The proposal of don't collude with Imperialism, Arms industry and stop supplying arms shows us what we need to do to end the attack against Gaza.
The American comrades in the ILWU union composed of longshore workers picketed a port to stop the arms shippent to Israel.
We have also determined to create a movement that could engage a general strike to stop the arms shipment from Japan. Working Comrades around the world, lets unite and fight together!
Fifthly, we will accomplish the three struggles the Doro-Nishinihon are currently fighting at our workplace as true anti-war movements that do not waver or compromise with the JR capital and the Kishida regime.
The three struggles are Geibisen(local lines in Okayama) anti-abolition struggle, the Union Chairmans rejection of senior employment withdrawal struggle, and the struggle to pursuit the responcibikuty of JR for the death of union member A.
The Kishida regime is readying to reform Japan into a wartime nation as a participant in the war.
Along with military use of civil airports and seaports the JR capital is trying to take up on the role as a wartime logistics organization. This is a mobilization of war againt the workers class.
No matter how costly it is, the JR capital is willing to serve as a wartime logistics organization, even if it means cutting off and abolishing "unneccesary" lines that have a relatively small revenue.
We need to bring down the Kishida regime for declaring that for war, the government will no longer care if the workers and citizens live or die, and is willing to use the workers lives as cannon fodder.
3.動労千葉・関西地区生コン支部・港合同の3組が呼びかける11・19全国労働者総決起集会は、戦争絶対反対! 国際連帯の力で社会を変える闘いです。 総力を挙げて結集します。
The Doro-Nishinihon Executive Committee has came to the conclusion to follow the five statements made above and make the decisions below.
1.We will fight to stop sending aid to Israel in the work places, districts no matter the difference in industry. Just as the Palestinian labor union proposed.
2.We, Doro-Nishinihon who fights as one of the unions in the Doro-Sourengou will stand up for the statements made by Doro-Chiba at the October message as one.
3.We will use our full power to rally to the 11.19 International Joint Action called up by the three laborer union alliance for stopping war and changing the society with the power of international solidarity.
4.Through fighting according to the three decisions made above, we will fight for ultimate liberation of all of the exploited people all around the world, for surely stopping the attack against Gaza and Palestine by the American Imperialism and Israeli government with in deep solidarity with the Palestine Laborer Union and the Palestine people.